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1.福建农林大学机电工程学院,福州 350002;2.福建农林大学食品科学学院,福州 350002;3.西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院,陕西杨凌712100
【目的】 随着计算机、无人机、光谱技术以及遥感技术的迅猛发展,无人机高光谱成像遥感已然成为推动精准农业发展的关键方向之一。与传统检测手段相比,其具备高分辨率和多光谱带等显著优势,能够为精准农业提供更加详细且准确的数据支撑。【方法】 文章介绍了常见的无人机平台和机载高光谱成像仪,详细探讨了该技术应用实例,简要介绍了高光谱遥感图像信息处理流程及面临的主要问题,提出了该技术在农业领域应用中存在的问题和未来的发展方向。【结果】 当前,应用于农业的无人机高光谱成像遥感设备主要有自主研发的无人机高光谱成像系统以及商业化的成套设备。这类设备通常被用于获取作物表型信息,在农业领域的主要应用涵盖农作物产量测定、长势诊断、病虫害监测以及作物识别等方面。然而,目前存在高光谱遥感系统成本高且受限较多、高光谱数据量大导致处理较为复杂以及标准化和共享平台建设不足等问题。未来,其重要的发展趋势包括自主开发适用于复杂田间环境的无人机系统、采用深度学习等方式实现智能化数据处理以及推动田间调查标准的建立和共享数据平台的建设。【结论】 通过技术创新和应用实践,无人机高光谱成像遥感技术将在农业领域发挥更大的作用,为精准农业的发展提供强有力的支持。这将有助于实现更高效的农业生产管理,提高作物产量和品质,促进农业的可持续发展。
关键词:  无人机  遥感  高光谱成像  精准农业
Research on the current and progress of hyperspectral imaging remote sensing for UAVs on agriculture
Wei Xuan1, Jiang Yifan1, Cai Yuele2, Zhou Zibin1, ZhaoYanru3, Zou Jinping1, Ye Dapeng1
1.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002, Fujian,China;2.College of Food Science,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,Fujian,China;3.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Northwest A&F University,Yangling712100,Shaanxi,China
Purpose With the rapid progress and remarkable development of computers,unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV),spectral technology and remote sensing technology,UVA hyperspectral imaging remote sensing has undoubtedly emerged as one of the crucial directions in promoting the development of precision agriculture. Compared with traditional detection methods,it has significant advantages such as high resolution and multi-spectral bands,which can provide more detailed and accurate data support for precision agriculture.Method This paper introduced the current research status and development trends of UAV hyperspectral remote sensing systems,discussed application examples of the technology in detail,briefly described the process of hyperspectral remote sensing image information processing and the main problems faced,and put forward the problems and future development direction of the application of the technology in the field of agriculture.Result At present,the UAV hyperspectral imaging remote sensing equipment mainly consisted of independently developed UAV hyperspectral imaging systems and commercial complete sets of equipment. Typically,this equipment was employed to obtain critical crop phenotypic information,and the main agricultural applications included crop yield determination,growth diagnostics,disease and pest monitoring,and crop identification. However,there were currently problems such as the high cost and limitations of hyperspectral remote sensing systems,the complexity of processing large amounts of hyperspectral data,and the insufficient establishment of standardisation and sharing platforms. In the future,important development trends included the independent development of unmanned aircraft systems suitable for complex field environments,the adoption of deep learning and other methods to achieve intelligent data processing,and the promotion of the establishment of standards for field surveys and the construction of shared data platforms.Conclusion Through continuous technological innovation and practical application,UAV hyperspectral imaging remote sensing technology will play an increasingly significant role in the agriculture field,and provide robust support for the development of precision agriculture. This will help to achieve more efficient agricultural production management,improve crop yield and quality and promote the sustainable development of agricultural.
Key words:  UAV  remote sensing  hyperspectral imaging  precision agriculture