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1.浙江省农业科学院数字农业研究所,杭州 310020;2.浙江森特信息技术有限公司,杭州 310022
【目的】 针对当前农田底数不清、利用不详、监管不易、服务不到位等问题,充分发挥数字技术优势特点,构建浙江省农田时空数据及业务监管系统,提升农田相关业务监测监管的整体智治水平。【方法】 文章以“3S”技术为支撑,采用系统工程过程“V”字模型解析应用系统需求和用户验证,依托政务云底座,基于关系型数据库引擎和空间数据库引擎构建农田时空数据库,利用空间服务平台和空间数据处理平台提供地图服务和空间数据高级处理分析服务,利用通用地图开发框架及专业可视化组件实现丰富的用户交互能力,通过构建标准化接口和服务,定制研发了面向“省—市—县—镇”4级,以及PC端、浙政钉和浙里办3端协同的农田数字化监管综合应用系统。【结果】 系统主要功能包括农田信息可视化监管、粮食生产功能区管理,农田建设项目全流程数字化管理和农田地类查询等便民服务;应用实现了粮食生产功能区和高标准农田建设及管护过程中的各类业务在线快速办理、进度进展及时掌控及预警决策。【结论】 为各级农田建设管理业务相关部门提供了高效的农田监管方面技术方法和软件系统,可进一步推广应用于耕地质量提升管理、种植利用调查监测、承包地管理等领域。
关键词:  数字农田  监测监管  粮食生产功能区  高标准农田
Development and application of digital monitoring system for farmland in Zhejiang Province
Deng Xunfei1, Wu Jiaman2, Liang Jianxia1, Sheng Li1, Zheng Hanzhang1, Luo Changlong1, Ren Zhouqiao1
1.Institute of Digital Agriculture,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310020,Zhejiang,China;2.Zhejiang Center Information Tec. Co.,Ltd,Hangzhou 310022,Zhejiang,China
Purpose To addressing current complicated issues of farmland distribution,utilization,supervision,and inadequate services,this study leverages advantage of digital technology to develop a digital system for farmland in Zhejiang Province based on spatial-temporal and business data,thus enhancing the overall intelligence and governance level of farmland-related business monitoring and supervision.Method With the support of "3S" technology,the system engineering process "V-shaped" model was employed to analyze application system requirements and user validation. In this work,a spatiotemporal database for farmland was constructed using a relational database engine and spatial database engine. Map services and advanced spatial data processing and analysis were provided through a spatial service platform and spatial data processing platform. Rich user interaction capabilities were implemented using a general map development framework and professional visualization components. A comprehensive scenario application system was customized and developed for the "province-city-county-town" levels with triple clients including PC,ZheZhengDing,and ZheLiBan by combining the government cloud infrastructure,construction of standardized interfaces and services,and WebGIS technology.Result The functions of this system included visualized supervision of farmland distribution,management of grain production functional zones,digitized process management for farmland construction projects,and convenient services of farmland land type queries. The application realized various online business reporting,progress control,early-warning,and decision-making in the processes of grain production functional zone establishment,well-facilitated farmland construction,and management.Conclusion The system provides efficient technical management ways for farmland supervision to various levels of farmland-related departments and can be further promoted and applied in the fields of cultivated land quality improvement management,farmland utilization survey and monitoring,and contracted farmland management.
Key words:  digital farmland,monitoring and regulation  grain production functional zones  well-facilitated farmland