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北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室/中国农业科学院 农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】 科学开展耕地的保护与利用,可以为保障国家粮食安全、土地安全、生态安全提供重要参考,具有科学与政策双重价值。【方法】 文章通过对中国耕地保护与利用研究的相关文献进行系统梳理总结,归纳了当前耕地保护与利用面临的主要问题,针对问题回顾相关解决方案,同时展望了未来的发展方向。【结果】 中国耕地正面临着总面积减少、质量下降、破碎化等问题,该文从政策调控、科技创新两大方面总结了目前相对应的解决方案,重点突出了农业信息技术的有效应用,根据解决方案提出了完善耕地可持续发展政策、持续加强科技创新、应用新理论框架的建议。【结论】 在北粮南运的新形势下,应重视北方耕地资源,特别是东北黑土地保护利用、西北盐碱地改良与开发利用,同时,应全面准确把握大食物观科学内涵,积极开发草地农业、蓝色粮仓等资源的生产潜力,让“中国饭碗”端得更好、更健康。
关键词:  耕地保护  可持续利用  保护政策  科技创新
Cultivated land protection and sustainable use in China:Challenges,solutions and prospects
Wang Shuo, Wang Xingao, Shi Hui, Sun Jing
State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/Key Labora tory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Purpose The scientific protection and utilization of cultivated land provides useful references for ensuring national food security,land security and ecological security,and is of great scientific significance and policy importance.Method Based on a systematic literature study about the protection and utilization of cultivated land in China,this paper summarized the main problems,reviewed the relevant solutions,and provided a prospective analysis of future development.Result The total cultivated land in China was decreasing,accompanied by quality degradation and spatial fragmentation. To address these challenges,the paper summarized two major solutions,including policy regulation and scientific and technological innovation,with emphasis on the application of agricultural information technology. To better implement the solutions,the paper suggested refining the policy on sustainable development of cultivated land,strengthening scientific and technological innovation,and adopting integrated theoretical frameworks.Conclusion This paper discussed the future direction of the effective use and sustainable protection of cultivated land in China. Considering the food supply pattern in China is "ship grain from the north to the south",the paper suggests more efforts should be paid to the protection of the cultivated land resources in the north,particularly focusing on the conservation of the black soil in northeastern China and the improvement of salt-affected land in northwestern China. Equipped with the all-encompassing approach,the paper also suggests exploring the potential of grassland agriculture,aquaculture,and other available resources,ensuring China′s fully self-sufficient in food supply.
Key words:  cultivated land protection  sustainable use  protection policy  scientific and technological innovation