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1.福建农林大学经济管理学院,福州 350002;2.福建农林大学多功能农业应用研究所,福州 350002;3.福建农林大学安溪茶学院,安溪 362400;4.福建农林大学科学技术发展研究院,福州 350002
目的 休闲乡村的发展是推进休闲农业持续健康发展并促进农业强、农村美、农民富的有效途径。目前学界在省域层面检验休闲乡村示范点分布及成因的研究较少。分析福建省最美休闲乡村示范点空间格局并探索其影响因素,验证示范点选址合理性的同时揭示空间分布的内在机理,在此基础上提出福建省休闲乡村发展的优化路径与建议,为休闲乡村的深入推进与良性可持续发展提供借鉴参考。方法 文章在利用ArcGIS10.7的基础上,采用最邻近指数、基尼系数、核密度估计值等参数,从空间分布形态、区域分布差异、空间分布密度三方面对2014—2020年福建省142个最美休闲乡村示范点的空间分布特征进行探究,并运用Moran's I 指数、地理联系率与缓冲区分析等指标和方法剖析其影响因素。结果 (1)福建省最美休闲乡村示范点空间分布呈集聚性和不均衡性特征。(2)示范点在不同设区市和不同地理区域的分布存在差异。在福建9个设区市中,逾55%的示范点集中分布在福州、泉州、三明、宁德4市。在闽东南西北中五大地理区域内,闽南地区分布最为密集,闽东地区次之,闽中地区最少。(3)示范点空间分布密度存在明显差异,形成厦门北部1个高密度中心,厦门西南部——漳州东北部1个次高密度中心。(4)示范点分布受自然因素和人文因素双重影响。地形地貌是自然因素核心要素,人文因素关键包括社会经济发展水平、农业基础、交通区位、旅游资源禀赋和客源市场规模。结论 福建省最美休闲乡村示范点能够立足地区自然资源禀赋和经济社会条件因地制宜发展;休闲乡村建设应立足自身条件,遵循阶段性发展规律,着重考量自然因素和人文因素,往建设最适宜区去选址与布局;进一步说,福建省及同类地区在未来发展中应立足自身自然条件和资源禀赋,依托当地农业发展基础,抓住社会经济发展机遇,发挥各地区位优势和示范区溢出效应,从而推动休闲乡村空间布局优化与高质量发展。
关键词:  休闲乡村  空间分布形态  区域分布差异  空间分布密度  影响因素
Luo Yexin1,2, Gan Cuili2,3, Li Wen2,4, Zhou Lulan1,2, Fan Shuisheng2,3, Mao Liyu1,2
1.College of Economics and Management, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China;2.Multifunctional Agricultural Application Research Institute, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China;3.Anxi College of Tea Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Anxi 362400, Fujian, China;4.Institute of Science and Technology Development, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
The development of leisure villages is an effective way to promote the sustainable and healthy development of leisure agriculture and lead to a strong agriculture, a beautiful and revitalized countryside, and prosperous farmers. At present, there are few studies in the academic circles to examine the distribution and causes of leisure rural demonstration sites at the provincial level. This article analyzes the spatial pattern of Fujian's the most beautiful leisure village demonstration sites (TMBLVDS) and explores the corresponding influencing factors, verifies the rationality of the demonstration site selection, and reveals the internal mechanism of the spatial distribution. On this basis, the optimal path and suggestions for the development of leisure villages in Fujian province are proposed, and these are also expected to provide reference for in-depth promotion and sustainable development of leisure villages in other similar areas. This article firstly used the nearest neighbor index, Gini coefficient, nuclear density estimated value and other parameters by ArcGIS 10.7 to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of 142 TMBLVDS in Fujian from 2014 to 2020 from three perspectives of spatial distribution form, regional distribution differences, and spatial distribution density. Secondly, the article used Moran's I index, geographic connection rate and buffer zone analysis etc. to analyze the corresponding influencing factors of the spatial distribution characteristics. The results were indicated as follows. (1) The spatial distribution of the TMBLVDS in Fujian had characteristics of unevenness and agglomeration. (2) The distribution of TMBLVDS varied across 9 cities with subordinate districts and as well as across 5 geographic regions. Among 9 cities with subordinate districts in Fujian, more than 55% of TMBLVDS were concentrated in Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Sanming, and Ningde. Among the 5 geographic regions, southern Fujian had the largest number of TMBLVDS, followed by the eastern Fujian, and the central Fujian had the least TMBLVDS. (3) There were obvious differences in the spatial distribution density of TMBLVDS, forming a high-density center in the north of Xiamen and a second-high-density center from the southwest of Xiamen to the northeast of Zhangzhou. (4) The distribution of TMBLVDS was affected by both natural and human factors. The distribution of TMBLVDS was not only affected by landform, but also by human factors such as agricultural development level, socio-economic development level, regional traffic conditions, tourism resource endowment and the customer market scale. Therefore, the TMBLVDS in Fujian can be built and developed in accordance with local natural resource endowments and economic & social conditions; the construction of leisure villages should be based on its own conditions, follows the periodic development law, focuses on the natural and human factors, and finds the most suitable area for sites selection and layout. Furthermore, to develop the leisure villages in Fujian and similar regions in the future should be based on their own natural conditions and resource endowments, rely on the local agricultural development foundation, explore opportunities of social and economic development, give full play to the advantages of location and the spillover effect of demonstration area, and therefore promote the optimization of leisure villages layout and high-quality development of leisure villages.
Key words:  leisure villages  spatial distribution form  regional distribution differences  spatial distribution density  influencing factors
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
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