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1.青岛农业大学资源与环境学院,山东青岛 266109;2.北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室,北京 100081;3.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
目的 “耕地”和“农田”词义相近,但应用场景稍有差异。学术文献中存在对二者混合使用的情况,导致检索文献时难以全面覆盖,也容易造成人们对特定用语的认知偏差。通过对使用“耕地”和“农田”的学术文献梳理,以区分二者在应用场景中的差异,为进一步更准确地理解和使用这两个词语提供指导。方法 文章以中国知网(CNKI)期刊文献为数据来源,采取文献计量方法,对检索到的2 267篇论文的发表时间、作者、期刊来源等方面进行分析,综合判别两个词语的使用特点、发展趋势、受关注程度以及主要出现的学科领域等。结果 (1)“耕地”的使用频次高于“农田”,2 267篇论文中,使用“耕地”的论文1 425篇,使用“农田”的论文765篇,两者都使用的论文31篇;(2)“耕地”更常用在农业经济学科与宏观研究领域,与土地利用、粮食安全等研究关键词紧密联系;(3)“农田”更多出现在农业基础科学学科与微观研究领域,与灌溉、土壤、重金属等关键词紧密联系。结论 该文有助于人们正确认识理解并区分“耕地”和“农田”的应用场景差异,尤其有助于研究生等初级科研人员全面了解学科特点、高效检索科技文献、顺利发表科研成果。
关键词:  耕地  农田  学科领域  文献计量  辨析
Feng Xinrui1,2,3, Yu Qiangyi2,3, Zhang Xiaoguang1, Duan Yulin2,3, Wu Wenbin2,3
1.School of Resources and Environment, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao266109, Shandong, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China, Beijing100081, China;3.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing100081, China
The terms “cultivated land” and “farmland” share similar meanings but are used in slightly different contexts. In academic literature, these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, leaving difficulties in literature searching and resulting in confusion in understanding across disciplines. The paper analyzes academic literature to differentiate between "cultivated land" and "farmland" in various application scenarios, offering guidance for a more accurate understanding and usage of these terms. The present paper utilizes the CNKI journal literature database and employs bibliometric methods to analyze 2267 relevant papers. The analysis focuses on publication time, authorship, and journal sources, among others, to comprehensively assess the usage characteristics, development trends, attention levels, and main disciplines related to both terms. The research results indicate that: (1) From the 2 267 selected papers, the term “cultivated land” is more frequently used compared to “farmland”: 1 425 papers used the term “cultivated land,” 765 papers used "farmland," and 31 papers used both. (2) “Cultivated land” was more frequently used in macro-level studies, such as in the fields of agricultural economics, and was closely linked to keywords including land use, food security, etc. (3) On the other hand, “farmland” was more commonly found in micro and mesoscale studies, such as the agricultural basic science disciplines, and was closely associated with keywords such as irrigation, soil, heavy metals, etc. In conclusion, this study facilitates a better understanding and distinction of the diverse application contexts for “cultivated land” and “farmland”. Particularly, it would provide strong assistance for entry-level researchers, such as graduate students, in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the disciplinary characteristics, efficiently retrieving scientific literature, and successfully publishing research findings.
Key words:  cultivated land  farmland  discipline field  bibliometric  analysis
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