摘要: |
目的 在畜牧业快速发展的大背景下,饲料紧缺问题日益得到关注,通过分析畜牧业发展带来的饲料需求、秸秆饲料化利用现状及发展潜力,可为推进秸秆饲料化利用提供基础数据与决策参考。方法 文章系统收集了全国主要食草动物的养殖数据,结合不同秸秆可收集量、秸秆饲料化利用情况、营养成分分析、秸秆饲料化产品利润等信息,对全国秸秆饲料化的需求进行分析,研究不同地区、不同作物秸秆和不同技术方法的秸秆饲料化利用现状,总结得出结论与建议。结果 (1)我国秸秆资源量大,但饲料化利用整体水平不高,且存在诸多问题,未来的发展空间大;(2)全国畜牧业发展不均衡,与主要农业区的重叠度有限,养殖业发达地区秸秆饲料化需求旺盛,需要加强顶层设计与整体布局;(3)秸秆饲料化对填补养殖业饲料需求缺口具有积极意义,同时可为产业链带来丰厚的经济与社会效益。结论 我国应开展秸秆饲料化利用关键技术与配套装备研制,持续改进秸秆饲料化技术模式,推动秸秆饲料产业向专业化生产、集约化利用、产业化经营转型。 |
关键词: 秸秆 饲料化 需求 潜力分析 食草动物 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20241208 |
分类号:S816.5 |
基金项目:财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系项目“秸秆与副产物综合利用(饲料化)”(CARS-12);科学技术部:国家重点研发计划项目课题“秸秆减排效应评价与循环利用成套解决方案及示范”(2023YFD1701505) |
Sun Renhua, Hu Xiaofang, Li Xiaoyang, Sun Yuanfeng, Xue Yinghao, Xu Zhiyu
Rural Energy and Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100125, China
Abstract: |
With the rapid development of animal husbandry, the problem of feed shortage has been paid more and more attention. By analyzing the feed demand, the current situation, and the development potential of straw feed utilization brought by the development of animal husbandry, this study can provide basic data and decision-making references for promoting straw feed utilization. This paper systematically collected data on major herbivores. It analyzed the demand for straw feed in China, combined with the number of different kinds of straw collectible output, straw feed utilization situation, analysis of nutrient composition, straw feed profit, and other information. The conclusions and suggestions were summarized by studying the status of straw feed utilization in different provinces, different kinds of crops, and different kinds of straw feed technologies. The results were showed as follows. (1) The straw resources in China were large, but the overall level of feed utilization was not high. There were many problems during the straw feed utilization process, while the future development space was large. (2) The development of animal husbandry in different provinces of China was uneven, and the distribution of the main pastoral and agricultural areas was not coincident. The demand for straw feed in the developed areas of the aquaculture industry was strong, and the top-level design and overall layout needed to be strengthened. (3) Straw feed had a positive significance in filling the feed demand of the aquaculture industry and could bring rich economic and social benefits to the industrial chain. In the future, China should pay attention to the key technologies development and supporting equipment for straw feed utilization, improve the technical model of straw feed utilization continuously, and promote the transformation of the straw feed industry to specialized production, intensive utilization, and industrial management. |
Key words: straw feed utilization demand potential analysis herbivore |