摘要: |
目的 探索保护性耕作技术采纳对农户收入的影响机制,评估保护性耕作技术的农户增收效应对促进保护性耕作高质量发展、推动中国农业发展方式转变具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义。方法 文章基于粮食种植户调研数据,采用工具变量法、分位数回归以及内生处理效应模型考察保护性耕作技术的农户增收效应及其作用机制。结果 保护性耕作技术采纳对农户增收具有显著的促进作用,但这种增收效应在不同收入群体之间存在差异,其中低收入农户从保护性耕作技术采纳中的获益多于中、高收入农户。此外,保护性耕作技术采纳主要通过增加粮食产出来促进农户增收,尚不具有通过促进非农就业来提高农户收入的作用机制。结论 健全保护性耕作农机作业服务对低收入农户的倾斜扶持,瞄准保护性耕作机具补贴和投入力度,完善适用于当地农业生产实际的保护性耕作技术路线。 |
关键词: 保护性耕作 技术采纳 农户收入 分位数回归 中介效应 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20241207 |
分类号:F304.7 |
基金项目:财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS-43-F-1);国家社会科学基金重大项目“粮食全链条节约减损行动方案及政策体系研究”(22&ZD087) |
Deng Yuanyuan1, Guo Yan2, Zhu Junfeng2
1.School of Economics and Management, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China;2.College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: |
It is of great theoretical value and practical significance for promoting the high-quality development of conservation tillage and transformation of agricultural development mode in China to explore the influencing mechanism of conservation tillage technology on farmers' income. Based on the survey data of grain growers, the effects of conservation tillage on farmers' income and their differences were investigated with the variable method, quantile regression, and endogenous treatment effect model, and the mechanism of income increase effect was further explained. This study showed that conservation tillage technology had a great effect on increasing farmers' income, but this effect was different among different income groups. The low-and middle-income farmers had benefited more from the adoption of conservation tillage technology than the middle-and high-income farmers, which was characterized by benefiting the poor. In addition, the adoption of conservation tillage technology mainly promoted farmers' income by increasing grain output, and there was no mechanism to improve farmers' income by promoting non-agricultural employment. These findings suggest improving the agricultural machinery operation service of conservation tillage to support low-income farmers, as well as aiming at the subsidies and investment of conservation tillage technology and improving the conservation tillage technology route applicable to local agricultural production. |
Key words: conservation tillage technology adoption farmers' household income quantile regression mediator effect |