摘要: |
目的 东北黑土区是我国最重要的粮食生产优势区和商品粮输出基地,被誉为我国粮食安全的“稳压器”和“压舱石”。加强黑土地保护,夯实我国粮食生产的“第一粮仓”已成为保障国家粮食安全的重要国家战略。方法 文章运用数据分析与文献研究相结合的方法,对我国“黑土粮仓”发展现状、科技支撑“黑土粮仓”建设面临的主要问题进行了辨析,并在此基础上提出了科技支撑我国“黑土粮仓”建设的战略与对策。结果 缺乏科技攻关目标顶层设计、黑土地资源底数和保护利用边界认识不清、耕地质量提升科技创新和应用不足等是我国“黑土粮仓”建设面临的主要问题。在信息技术与农业深度融合的新形势下,以黑土地保护与利用平衡以及促进产业发展为目标,提出了未来科技支撑“黑土粮仓”建设的技术发展路线和重大科技行动建议。结论 应从顶层科学统筹布局黑土地保护与利用、加大种质创制、退化阻控与耕地保育科技创新、强化技术先导对产业健康发展支撑,以点带面推动技术模式落地,力争为我国“黑土粮仓”可持续发展提供坚实保障。 |
关键词: 黑土粮仓 黑土地 耕地质量 保护与利用 科技战略 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20250102 |
分类号:S-01 |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题“基于大数据耕地资源评价利用技术与工具”(2022YFF0711803);科技创新战略研究专项“科技支撑‘国家粮仓’建设战略研究”(ZLY202264);陕西地建—西安交大土地工程与人居环境技术创新中心开放基金资助项目“农田天空地立体化监测关键技术与平台研究”(2021WHZ0072) |
Yang Jing1,2,3, Song Qian2,3, Lu Miao2,3, Zha Yan2,3, Wu Wenbin2,3
1.Technology Innovation Center for Land Engineering and Human Settlements, Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd and Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, Shaanxi China;2.State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China, Beijing 100081, China;3.The Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract: |
The black soil region of northeastern China is one of the most important grain production bases and commodity grain export bases in China, serving as the “stabilizer” and “ballast” of China’s food security. Strengthening black soil conservation and ensuring grain production have become important national strategies to ensure national food security. Based on data analysis and literature reviews, we analyzed the development and the primary challenges in the construction of the “Black Soil Granary” program, and evaluated strategic approaches and measured with regard to science and technology in supporting the construction of China’s “Black Soil Granary”. Our results revealed a series of main problems, including a lack of top-level design for scientific and technological support objectives, an unclear evaluation of the black soil area, an ill-defined protection and utilization of black soil resources, and insufficient scientific and technological innovation and application for improving cropland quality. To achieve national goals for the conservation and utilization of black soil and promoting industrial development, we proposed roadmap-like suggestions for the construction that scientific and technology support the “Black Soil Granary” program. We also clarified the direction of science and technology innovation for promoting the conservation and utilization of black soil and increasing grain production. Our results indicate that we should develop the conservation and utilization of black soil strategy at the top level, improve the creation of germplasm, control degradation and foster innovation in land conservation technology, enhance the support of advanced technology for the “Black Soil Granary” program, and enforce the implementation of technology from pilots to regions in the future to achieve the sustainable development of the black soil regions in China. |
Key words: black soil granary black soil cultivated land quality conservation and utilization science and technology strategy |