引用本文:刘行刚,张治晖,张云江,陈 霄※.柑橘节水微灌系统的研究及应用[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(4):105-112
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刘行刚1,2, 张治晖1, 张云江3, 陈 霄※1,2
【目的】研究并采用柑橘节水灌溉系统,可提高柑橘抵御干旱的能力,增加产量。 【方法】文章对柑橘的灌溉制度和系统设计流量进行了探讨,对现行国家标准《微灌工程技 术规范》中的设计供水强度取值进行了说明,提出了考虑有效降水的观点;针对山区自压灌 溉存在的管道减压和气堵问题,提供了排气管和蓄水减压池两种简单的解决方法;在施肥器 的应用方面,对文丘里施肥器和压差式施肥器进行了比较。【结果】在供水强度计算中考虑 有效降水的方法比较契合实际情况,节约系统投资;排气管和蓄水减压池可有效解决管道因 气堵不出水的问题,并起到降低管道压力的作用,可替代减压阀和排气阀;压差式施肥器比 文丘里施肥器更适用于山区自压管道施肥。【结论】通过对灌溉系统的研究和示范区的建设 实践,对于完善微灌技术用于柑橘灌溉起到了促进作用
关键词:  柑橘灌溉  自压灌溉  供水强度  气堵  施肥器
Research and application of micro-irrigation system for citrus
Liu Xinggang1,2, Zhang Zhihui1, Zhang Yunjiang3, Chen Xiao※1,2
1.China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100048,China;2.Beijing Zhongshui Runke Certification Co.,LTD,Beijing 100048,China;3.Water Bureau of Yunyang County of Chongqing,Chongqing 404500,China
[ Purpose]The research and application of water-saving irrigation system for citrus can improve the ability of citrus to withstand drought and increase its yield. [Method]Water application rate and system design flow of citrus were discussed in this paper. The design of water supply intensity in the current national standard “Technical Code for Micro-irrigation Engineering” was explained,and the viewpoint of considering effective precipitation was put forward. Aiming at the problems of pipeline decompression and air blockage in self-pressurized irrigation in mountainous areas,two simple solutions of exhaust pipe and water storage decompression tank are provided. In the application of fertilizer,Venturi fertilizer and differential pressure fertilizer were compared. [Result]Calculating water supply intensity by considering effective precipitation is more in line with the actual situation and saves system investment. Exhaust pipe and water storage decompression tank can effectively solve the problem of pipeline water blockage due to gas. Moreover,it plays the role of reducing pipeline pressure,and can replace the decompression valve and exhaust valve. Pressure differential fertilizer is more suitable for gravity irrigation pipeline in mountainous areas than Venturi fertilizer. [Conclusion]Through the research of irrigation system and the construction practice of demonstration area,the micro-irrigation technology can be improved for citrus irrigation.
Key words:  citrus irrigation  gravity flow irrigation  water application rate  air plugging  fertilizer devices