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农业农村部信息中心,北京 100125
【目的】党的十八大以来,各地区各部门认真贯彻党中央、国务院部署,深入推进 “互联网+ 政务服务”,加快建设政务服务平台。文章介绍了农业农村部整合政务服务资源, 建设政务服务平台的沿革历程和实践做法,为农业农村系统从业者提供借鉴和参考。【方法】 农业农村部政务服务平台结合农业农村业务特点,以IDEA 为开发环境,以Oracle11gR2 为 数据库,以SpringCloud1.5 微服务架构为基础,综合运用CAS、RestFul、MQ 等先进技术进 行建设。【结果】平台实现了农业农村部本级政务服务事项线上无差别受理、同标准办理; 规范并优化了政务服务流程,促进审批更简、监管更强、服务更优;统一建设了身份认证和 电子证照等系统,实现了农业农村部本级政务服务公共支撑一体化。【结论】经过多年的探 索和发展,“互联网+ 政务服务”工作在全国形成普遍共识、积累了宝贵经验,从分头建设、 分散管理模式向共建、联动、共享模式逐步转变。农业农村部政务服务平台建设取得积极成 效,解决了农业农村部政务服务管理分散、服务系统繁杂、事项标准不一、数据共享不畅、 业务协同薄弱等问题,政务服务整体效能大幅增强,提升了企业和群众获得感,其技术应用 及系统建设思路对继续探索农业农村系统“互联网+ 政务服务”建设提供了实践参考。
关键词:  农业农村政务服务  农业农村电子政务  政务服务平台
Exploration and practice on the construction of government affairsservice platform of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Zhang Yu
Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs ,Beijng 100125,China
[Purpose]Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC),all regions and departments have earnestly implemented the plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council,promoted the Internet plus government affairs services,and accelerated the development of a platform for government affairs services. This paper introduces the evolution and practice of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in integrating the government service resources and building the government service platform,in order to provide reference for practitioners of agricultural and rural system.[ Method]The government affairs service platform of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is constructed combining the characteristics of agricultural and rural affairs,with IDEA as the development environment, Oracle11gR2 as the database,and SpringCloud1.5 as the micro-service architecture basis, it also makes comprehensive use of CAS,RestFul,MQ and other advanced technologies. . [Result]The platform realizes the online acceptance of government affairs service without difference and the handling of the same standards;standardizes and optimizes the process of government affairs service to facilitate simpler examination and approval,stronger supervision and better service;unifies the establishment of identity authentication and electronic certificates and licenses,and realizes the integration of public support for government affairs services at the same level of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.[ Conclusion]After years of exploration and development,the“ Internet plus government affairs services” project has reached a consensus and gained valuable experience across the country. It has gradually shifted from a model of separate development and decentralized management to one of joint development,linkage and sharing. The government affairs service platform of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs construction achieved positive results. It has solved such problems as decentralized administration,complex service system,different standards,poor data sharing and weak business cooperation. The overall efficiency of government services has been greatly improved,and it has enhanced the sense of gain of enterprises and the public. Its technology application and system construction ideas will provide practical reference for continuing to explore the construction of“ Internet+government affairs service” in agricultural and rural systems.
Key words:  agricultural and rural government affairs services  agriculture and rural e-government  government affairs service platform