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曾娥1, 马海洋※2, 石伟琦2
1.广东省耕地肥料总站,广州 510500;2.中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所/ 海南省热带作物营养重点实验室,广东湛江 524091
【目的】为了明确雷州半岛徐闻县菠萝园土壤墒情变化情况,建立该地区菠萝园 土壤墒情监测评价指标。【方法】文章分析了广东徐闻县气候、水源、土壤等农业资源 特点,通过对广东徐闻县菠萝园降雨量和0~20 cm、20~40 cm 土层土壤含水量的长期定 点监测,分析菠萝不同生育期降雨分布及土壤含水量适宜程度,并结合《农田土壤墒情 监测技术规范》、《土壤墒情评价指标》等相关行业标准,建立该地区菠萝土壤墒情监测 评价指标。【结果】菠萝生育期内降雨主要分布在7—10 月,占菠萝全生育期的70.3%, 降雨分布极不均匀。菠萝园0~20 cm 土层土壤质量含水量变化范围为18.7%~29.0%, 20~40 cm 土层土壤质量含水量变化范围为21.5%~29.7%。降雨对菠萝园土壤0~20 cm 的 水分含量影响显著。结合菠萝生育期长势、降雨分布及土壤墒情监测结果,初步提出 了菠萝定植期、营养生长期、催花期、开花期、果实发育期及成熟期的适宜土壤含水 量。【结论】通过对徐闻县菠萝园长期定点的降雨量记录和土壤墒情的监测数据,初步 建立了该地区菠萝土壤墒情监测评价指标,为菠萝的合理灌溉和节水生产提供科学依 据。
关键词:  菠萝  土壤墒情  降雨量  评价指标
Application of soil moisture monitoring technology:a case study ofpineapple orchard
Zeng E1, Ma Haiyang※2, Shi Weiqi22
1.Guangdong General Station for Farmland and Fertilizer,Guangzhou 510500,China;2.South Subtropical Crops Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences/Hainan Key Laboratory of Tropical Crops Nutrition,Guangdong Zhanjiang,524091,China
[Purpose]In order to clarify the change of soil moisture in pineapple orchards in Xuwen County of Leizhou Peninsula, an index for monitoring and evaluating soil moisture in the region was established.[ Method] Based on the long-term and fixed-point monitoring of rainfall and soil moisture in 0~20 cm and 20~40 cm soil layers in pineapple orchards in Xuwen County, the characteristics of climate, water source, soil and other agricultural resources were analyzed, the distribution of rainfall and the suitable degree of soil moisture content in different growing periods of pineapple were analyzed. The monitoring and evaluation index of pineapple soil moisture content in the region was established based on the relevant industry standards.[ Result] During the growing period of pineapple, rainfall was mainly distributed from July to October, accounting for 70.3% of the whole growing period of pineapple. The variation range of soil water content in 0~20 cm soil layer was 18.7%~29.0%, and that in 20~40 cm soil layer was 21.5%~29.7% . The effect of rainfall on soil water content of 0~20 cm in pineapple orchard was significant. According to the growing trend of pineapple, rainfall distribution and soil moisture, we proposed the suitable soil moisture content at the planting stage, vegetative growth stage, flowering stage, fruit development stage and mature stage.[ Conclusion] Based on the long-term rainfall records and the monitoring data of soil moisture in the pineapple orchard of Xuwen County, we preliminarily established the monitoring and evaluation index of soil moisture of pineapple in this region, providing scientific basis for rational irrigation and water-saving production of pineapple.
Key words:  pineapple  soil moisture  rainfall  evaluation indicators