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广西民族大学 经济学院,南宁 530006
【目的】 基于数字普惠金融和农业产业化的视角,探究数字普惠金融与农业产业化水平的作用机制,为建设“产业韧性强”的农业强国的相关政策制定提供决策参考。【方法】 文章基于2011—2020年全国31个省(市、自治区,不包括港澳台)的省级面板数据,先对农业产业化水平进行测度,进而使用固定效应模型,从数字普惠金融覆盖广度、使用深度、数字化水平分维度探究数字普惠金融对农业产业化的影响机制。【结果】 数字普惠金融对我国农业产业化发展具有显著的正向促进作用,数字普惠金融覆盖广度能够缓解农业产业化中金融排斥现象发生,数字普惠金融使用深度能满足农业产业化需求,数字普惠金融数字化程度的提升能为农业产业化提供更多的金融服务。【结论】 应完善农村普惠金融基础设施建设、强化农村金融服务多样化、提升农村普惠金融数字化管理程度,要充分发挥数字普惠金融的积极影响,助力农业产业化发展。
关键词:  数字普惠金融  农业产业化  农业强国  分维度回归
Research on the impact of digital inclusive finance on agricultural industrialization
Liao Ruofan, Chen Zhengtao, Huang Xianlei
School of Economics,Guangxi Minzu University,Nanning 530006,Guangxi,China
【Purpose】 Based on the perspective of digital inclusive finance and agricultural industrialization,this paper explores the mechanism of digital inclusive finance and agricultural industrialization level,and provides decision-making reference for the relevant policy making of building an agricultural power with"strong industrial resilience".【Methods】 Based on the provincial panel data of 31 provinces(municipalities and autonomous regions,excluding Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)from 2011 to 2020,this paper first measured the level of agricultural industrialization,then explored the impact mechanism of digital inclusive finance on agricultural industrialization from the perspectives of coverage breadth,depth of use and digitization level by using the fixed effect model.【Results】 Digital inclusive finance had a significant positive promoting effect on the development of agricultural industrialization in China. The coverage breadth of digital inclusive finance could alleviate the occurrence of financial exclusion in agricultural industrialization,the use depth of digital inclusive finance could meet the needs of agricultural industrialization,and the improvement of digital inclusive finance could provide more financial services for agricultural industrialization.【Conclusion】 It is necessary to improve the construction of rural inclusive financial infrastructure,strengthen the diversification of rural financial services,improve the digital management of rural inclusive finance,and give full play to the positive impact of digital inclusive finance to help the development of agricultural industrialization.
Key words:  digital inclusive financial  agricultural industrialization  strong agricultural country  fractal regression