引用本文: | 金武泽,廖荣华,周芙蓉,江叶枫,王政,周炼清,史舟.基于WebGIS和微服务技术的污染场地信息可视化系统设计与实现[J].中国农业信息,2024,35(5):99-111 |
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摘要: |
【目的】 随着我国城市化与工业化的快速发展,污染场地数量显著增加,严重影响农业土壤和人体健康。污染场地信息系统能够实现实时监测、风险评估与治理方案推荐等功能,对于污染场地管控治理与生态环境可持续发展具有重要意义。【方法】 文章采用WebGIS技术,以实现地理空间数据可视化并提高系统灵活性;利用微服务技术构建可扩展的系统架构,以适应多源异构的污染场地数据管理需求;引入核密度分析法和空间插值分析法,全面提升污染场地数据分析功能。【结果】 该研究基于微服务技术,构建了多源异构污染场地数据采集、清洗与入库框架,利用PostgreSQL与MongoDB搭建了混合型污染场地信息数据库,整合Vue、Mapbox GL JS和Spring Cloud等技术,构建了污染场地信息可视化系统,并开发了用户管理、数据空间展示、场地信息查询、热区探测分析与污染风险评估等功能模块。【结论】 污染场地信息可视化系统有效实现了业务功能,不仅为污染场地的治理与修复决策提供全面、直观的基础数据,也为农业环保部门进行污染场地风险评估与农业资源信息化管理提供参考。 |
关键词: 污染场地 WebGIS 微服务 系统开发 |
DOI:10.12105/j.issn.1672-0423.20240508 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目“场地土壤重金属智能检测设备集成与实时评估预警系统开发”(2022YFC3700805) |
Design and implementation of contaminated site information visualization system based on WebGIS and microservices technology |
Jin Wuze1, Liao Ronghua1, Zhou Furong1, Jiang Yefeng2, Wang Zheng1, Zhou Lianqing1, Shi Zhou1
1.College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang,China;2.College of Land Resources and Environment,Jiangxi Agriculture University,Nanchang 330045,Jiangxi,China
Abstract: |
[Purpose] The rapid urbanization and industrialization of our country has led to a significant increase in the number of contaminated sites,which adversely affect agricultural soil and pose a threat to human health. In this context,a contaminated site information visualization system is essential for real-time monitoring,risk assessment,and remediation recommendations,which plays a crucial role in managing and controlling contaminated sites while promoting sustainable ecological development.[Method] This study leveraged WebGIS technology to enhance the visualization of geographic spatial data and improve the flexibility of the system. A scalable architecture based on microservices was developed to accommodate the diverse management needs associated with multi-source heterogeneous contaminated site data. Additionally,various geographic analysis methodologies were integrated to enable comprehensive analysis of contaminated site data.[Result] Utilizing microservice technology,a robust framework for collecting,cleaning and storing multi-source heterogeneous contaminated site data was established. A hybrid contaminated site information database was constructed using PostgreSQL and MongoDB. The contaminated site information visualization system was created by integrating technologies such as Vue,Mapbox GL JS,and Spring Cloud,with functional modules for user management,data space visualization,site information query,hot spot detection analysis,and contamination risk assessment.[Conclusion] The practical application and validation results demonstrate that the developed contaminated site information visualization system effectively meets its intended functionality. It provides comprehensive and intuitive foundational data to support decision-making processes related to the remediation and restoration of contaminated sites. Furthermore,it serves as a valuable resource for agricultural environmental protection agencies in conducting risk assessments and managing agricultural resource information pertinent to contaminated sites. |
Key words: contaminated site WebGIS microservice system development |