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关键词:  绿色减贫指数乌蒙山片区线性加权综合法贫困类型现状
基金项目:毕节市2017年第一批科学技术发展计划“大数据时代绿色发展理念下的脱贫攻坚”(毕科合字[2017]45 号)
Lin Kejun
The Communist Party of China (Bijie Municipal Party Committee Party School, Guizhou 551700, China
By analyzing Green Poverty Reduction Indexes of the Wumeng Mountain Area in 2012 and 2014, and evaluating the effect of poverty alleviation in different years in the region, it provides a theoretical reference for the implementation of various poverty alleviation policies in the future. This article is based on the China Green Poverty Index System, from the aspects of green degree of economic growth, degree of resource utilization and environmental protection, social development capacity, development-oriented poverty reduction and its effects, used 27 factors such as GDP per capita, consumption per areas evaluation indicators and the linear weighted synthesis method to analyze the green degree of economic growth, degree of resource utilization and environmental protection, social development capacity, development-oriented poverty reduction and its effects index values in 2012 and 2014, and eventually green poverty reduction index was determined. At the same time, analyze the proportion of tertiary industry added value, the amount of chemical fertilizer applied per unit of cultivated land, the income ratio of urban and rural residents, and the per capita net income growth rate of rural residents in poverty-stricken counties in the area. Compared with 2012, in 2014, the green degree of economic growth, degree of resources utilization, environmental protection, development-oriented poverty reduction and its effects in the Wumeng mountain area increased, but the index of social development capacity decreased, and the Green Poverty Reduction Index increased by 2062%. The proportion of the tertiary industry in all counties has decreased, but the rural per capita net income has increased. The amount of fertilizer applied to farmland in 10 counties in Sichuan province has increased. Except for Xuyong county and Meigu county in Sichuan province and Guizhou province in Chishui city, the income ratio of urban to rural areas in poor counties in the area was reduced. In 2014, implementing the national poverty alleviation plan worked out very well in Wumeng mountain area. However, there is a big difference among the counties. In the future, poverty alleviation needs base on the local conditions in different regions, understand the types of poverty and poverty degree, investigate the local resources reserves and environmental status, and coordinated regional development.
Key words:  Green Poverty Reduction Index  Wumeng mountain area  linear weighted synthesis method  poverty type  status
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
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