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1.西藏大学财经学院,拉萨 850000;2.西藏大学科研处,拉萨 850000
目的 精准扶贫作为一种被实践反复证明的高效扶贫模式,通过分析西藏农牧区精准扶贫的现状,对其精准扶贫绩效进行评估研究,以期对新时期西藏农牧区脱贫攻坚提供合理的借鉴和参考。方法 文章基于多维评估模型构建西藏农牧区精准扶贫绩效评估系统,建立计量模型,运用模糊数学法计算西藏农牧区精准扶贫绩效评估系统的隶属度。结果 西藏农牧区精准扶贫绩效质量在不断提升,从不同维度的绩效指数变化来看,经济扶贫绩效和脱贫成效两个维度变化趋势明显,其对西藏农牧区整体扶贫绩效系统的贡献度最大,从隶属度来看,西藏农牧区精准扶贫绩效属于良好水平,体现出精准扶贫作为一种高效扶贫模式在西藏的脱贫实践中得以有效应用。结论 新时期全面深化农牧区各项改革,以乡村振兴助推脱贫攻坚是西藏农牧区经济发展现实所需。因此,西藏农牧区正在逐步实现精准扶扶贫与乡村振兴的有效衔接,实现了从面上帮扶阶段向深度贫困地区攻坚阶段的全面转变;西藏农牧区精准扶贫绩效指数在不断提升,巩固脱贫成果,协调四个维度之间的发展关系是解决当前地区间不平衡不充分发展、实现可持续脱贫的关键所在;基础设施建设水平低依旧是西藏农牧区精准扶贫的短板,在新时代背景下,应紧密结合西藏实际,巩固脱贫成果不返贫,实现其经济社会可持续发展。
关键词:  西藏农牧区  精准扶贫  绩效评估  多维度  乡村振兴
Yang Awei1, Tudeng Kezhu2, Zhang Jianwei2
1.School of Finance and Economics, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, Xizang, China;2.Research Department of Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, Xizang, China
Targeted poverty alleviation, as a highly efficient poverty alleviation model, has been repeatedly proved by practice. In order to provide reasonable reference for poverty alleviation in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Tibet in the new era, the current situation of targeted poverty alleviation in Tibet is analyzed, and the performance of targeted poverty alleviation is evaluated and studied. Based on the multi-dimensional evaluation model, the performance evaluation system of targeted poverty alleviation in Tibetan agricultural and pastoral areas was constructed, and the measurement model was established, then the membership degree of the performance evaluation system was calculated by using the fuzzy mathematics method. The results were showed as follows. The performance of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen poverty reduction was improving, through the different dimensions of performance index changes, the economic performance for poverty alleviation and the effect of poverty alleviation had obvious change trend towards two dimensions, it showed the largest contribution to the overall performance for poverty alleviation system. From the point of membership degree, the poverty reduction performance was good, showing that the targeted poverty alleviation as an efficient mode for poverty alleviation, it had been effectively applied in Tibetan anti-poverty practice. So, in the new period, in order to accelerate the poverty alleviation of Tibetan agricultural and pastoral areas, a comprehensively reform of agricultural and pastoral areas and the rural revitalization are needed. Therefore, Tibetan agricultural and pastoral areas are gradually realizing the effective connection between targeted poverty alleviation and rural rejuvenation, and it also realizes an overall transformation from the stage of superficial assistance to the stage of comprehensively tackle the poverty-stricken areas. The performance index of targeted poverty alleviation is constantly improving, the achievements of poverty alleviation is consolidated, coordinating the development relationship among the four dimensions is the key to solving the current regional imbalance, inadequate development and realizing sustainable poverty alleviation. The low level of infrastructure construction is still a shortage in targeted poverty alleviation, in the context of the new era, it is necessary to connect with the fact of reality, consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and not return to poverty, so as to realize its sustainable economic and social development.
Key words:  Tibetan agricultural and pastoral areas  targeted poverty alleviation  performance evaluation  multi-dimensional  rural revitalization
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
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