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1.北京物资学院经济学院,北京 101149;2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081;3.中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所,北京 100081;4.农业农村部规划设计研究院,北京 100125
目的 乳业振兴战略实施以来,国内乳业从饲草布局、奶牛养殖、原料乳加工、市场格局等迎来大发展的利好时机。产业集聚是当前乳业发展的重要特征,研究乳制品产业集聚的溢出效应对分析区域经济增长与产业竞争力等具有重要的参考价值。方法 文章利用1992-2017年中国省域乳制品产业相关面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型,研究中国乳制品产业集聚带来的经济增长、产业发展及乳制品安全等溢出效应及其作用机理。结果 乳制品企业、奶站、奶农等利益相关主体的集聚增加了乳制品产业内各环节的关联性,显著增加区域经济的增长,提高乳制品产业竞争力,为乳制品产业发展提供内源性动力,最后在微观层面,各利益相关主体的集聚程度在一定程度上有助于改善乳制品质量安全水平。结论 在此基础上,从打造乳制品产业集聚区、乳业振兴及质量安全管控等方面提出政策建议,进一步发挥产业集聚的辐射能力、提高产业核心竞争力。
关键词:  空间杜宾模型  产业集聚  溢出效应  质量安全  乳制品产业
基金项目:北京物资学院校级青年基金项目“中国乳制品产业发展路径研究——基于产业集聚视角”(2019XJQN01);北京市教委社科一般项目“北京市居民优质乳消费行为研究”(SM202010037005); 中央农办农业农村部乡村振兴专家咨询委员会软科学课题 “十四五培育根植于乡村的优势特色产业研究”(20190206);农业农村部2020年度重点课题“我国乡村振兴推进模式与典型范例研究”(0620200059);北京新农村建设研究基地项目“北京乡村特色产业体系及发展路径研究”(PXM2020_014207_000017)
Cheng Changlin1, Yang Yadong2, Hou Liwei3, Yan Changyu4
1.School of Economics, Beijing WUZI University, Beijing, 101149;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Plan, CAAS, Beijing, 100081;3.Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Beijing, 100081;4.Academy of agricultural Planning and Engineering, MARA, Beijing, 100125
Due to the implementation of dairy industry revitalization strategy, the domestic dairy industry which contains forage spatial plan, cow livestock, raw milk production, and market pattern, has been reaching under a great opportunity for high quality development. Meanwhile, industrial agglomeration is demonstrated as an important character for current dairy industry development. The uprising spillover effect on dairy industry agglomeration will play an important role at regional economic growth and industrial competitiveness, which would make contribution to dairy industry. Through the application of provincial panel data during the year of 1992-2017, related to dairy industry in China, this study made an access to employing Spatial Dubin model, focusing on the effects of dairy industry cluster onto domestic economic growth in China, industrial development and the quality safety of dairy products, with empirical approach to the spillover effect and mechanism involved. The results showed that the shareholders such as dairy enterprise, milk station, milk farmers involved to the industrial chain, with strong linkage in inner-industrial input and output, leading to the correlation between the shareholders of dairy industry. The endogenous concentration of dairy industry had a significant impact on the growth of regional economy, improved the competitiveness of domestic dairy industry, and provided endogenous driving force for the development of dairy industry. In addition, at the micro level, the agglomeration degree of various stakeholders is helpful for improving the quality and safety level of dairy products to a certain extent. On the base of above analysis, this study has made enough evidence to propose scientific and proper measures in the field of the dairy industry cluster, dairy industry revitalization and the quality and safety control, so as to further exert industrial agglomeration radiation capacity, and improve industry core competitiveness.
Key words:  Spatial Durbin model  industrial agglomeration  spillover effect  quality and safety  dairy industry
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
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