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荆芥生态适宜性区划及挥发油品质的研究 |
1.河北中医学院药学院,石家庄 050200;2.河北省中药炮制技术创新中心,石家庄 050200;3.河北御芝林生物科技有限公司,石家庄 050200
摘要: |
目的 荆芥作为解表药为我国临床常用的药材,在新型冠状病毒的治疗过程中有应用,目前栽培资源较多。研究划分荆芥在我国的适宜生长区,并对不同产地药材的挥发油进行分析,从而为种植环境的选择及药材的质量控制提供依据。方法 文章通过生态适宜性区划研究,划分荆芥的最适宜区、较适宜区、不适宜区,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析不同产地荆芥及荆芥穗的挥发油成分,通过正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(OPLS-DA)筛选差异化合物,并对薄荷酮、胡薄荷酮、柠檬烯等7个主要挥发性成分进行含量测定,统计不同产地荆芥及荆芥穗挥发性成分的差异。结果 荆芥在我国的最适宜区主要为中部地区,包括山东、河北南部、安徽北部等地,青海、西藏地区不适宜荆芥的种植。各产地间荆芥、荆芥穗的挥发油成分及含量有差异。结论 荆芥穗挥发油含量高于荆芥,因此荆芥穗品质优于荆芥。河北、安徽、山东为荆芥的最适宜种植区,山东、安徽产荆芥质量优,河北产荆芥穗质量优。生境适宜度与挥发油品质研究结果一致。 |
关键词: 荆芥 生态适宜性 区划研究 GC-MS 挥发油 OPLS-DA |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20220422 |
分类号:R932 |
基金项目:河北中医药管理局科研计划项目“荆芥不同入药部位的化学成分及代谢差异研究”(2020126);河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目“基于RNA-Seq的款冬花蕾发育过程中三萜皂苷生物合成相关基因的表达研究”(BJ2016039);河北省自然科学基金“款冬花蕾发育过程中苞片颜色变异的分子机制研究”(H2019423140);河北省二期现代农业产业技术体系创新团队项目“中药材采收与加工岗”(HBCT2018060205);全国中药资源普查项目“河北省”(Z135080000022) |
Su Chang1,2, Wang Yu1,2, Zheng Yuguang1,2, Guo Long1,2, Zhang Lanlan1,2,3, Zheng Kaiyan1,2
1.College of Pharmacy, Hebei University of Chinese Medicine, Shijiazhuang 050200, Hebei, China;2.Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Technology Innovation Center of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050200, Hebei, China;3.Hebei Yuzhilin Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Shijiazhuang 050200, Hebei, China
Abstract: |
Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. is a common clinical medicine in China. It is used for the treatment of COVID-19, and has plentiful cultivation resources of Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. This research is intended to divide the suitable growth area of S. tenuifolia in China, and analyze the volatile oil of S. tenuifolia from different producing areas, so as to provide the basis for the selection of planting environment and the quality control of medicinal materials. Through the study of the suitability regionalization of S. tenuifolia in China, the most suitable area, suitable area and unsuitable area were divided, and the volatile oil components of herba and spica of S. tenuifolia from different producing areas were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), then differential metabolites were screened by Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA), and the contents of seven main volatile components, including menthone, pulegone, limonene and so on were determined, then the differences between herba and spica from different producing areas were analyzed. The experimental results showed that the most suitable areas for S. tenuifolia cultivation were in the central part of China, including Shandong, the southern part of Hebei and the northern part of Anhui. Qinghai and Tibet were unsuitable for the cultivation of S. tenuifolia. The volatile composition and content of Schizonepetae herba and spica from different producing areas were different. In summary, the volatile oil yield of spica is higher than that of herba, so the quality of spica is better than that of herba. The quality of Schizonepetae herba from Anhui and Shandong is excellent; while the quality of Schizonepetae spica from Hebei is excellent. The research results indicates that the regional suitability and volatile oil quality are consistent. |
Key words: Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. ecological suitability regionalization GC-MS volatile oil OPLS-DA |