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1.华北水利水电大学测绘与地理信息学院,河南郑州 450046;2.四川省国土整治中心,成都 610045;3.华南农业大学资源环境学院,广东广州 510642;4.四川省函夏锦地科学技术研究院,成都 610074;5.河南大学地理与环境学院,开封 475001
目的 探讨农业碳排放效率与粮食安全耦合协调的规律与演变机制,对于差别化的农业碳排放效率与粮食安全协调发展路径的选择具有重要的理论和实践意义。方法 文章构建了农业碳排放效率与粮食安全的关系理论框架,分析了2000—2019年四川省粮食主产县农业碳排放效率及其与粮食安全的耦合协调度,并探讨了其时空特征。结果 (1)四川省粮食主产区农业碳排放整体上增长态势明显,近几年增速有所降低。从农业碳排放结构来看,化肥的生产和使用是粮食生产过程产生碳排放的主要因素。四川省粮食主产县农业碳排放空间特征总体呈现西南低东北高的分布格局,农业碳排放主要集中于低值区。(2)四川省粮食主产县农业碳排放效率总体处于较高的水平,且呈波动上升趋势,各粮食主产县碳排放效率差异明显,大多数区县的农业碳排放效率均有较大提升。(3)2000—2019年四川省粮食主产县粮食安全总体处于安全级别,各主产县粮食安全等级的变化总体较为稳定。从时间维度来看,粮食安全等级的变化处于波动状态,从空间变化维度来看,各粮食主产县粮食安全级别经历了“下降—上升”的过程。(4)四川省粮食主产县农业碳排放效率与粮食安全耦合协调度正向“优质协调”方向发展,各区县农业碳排放效率与粮食安全耦合协调度基本呈现出成以成都平原为中心,向南北递增的分布趋势。结论 四川省多数区县农业碳排放效率与粮食安全呈优质协调状态,但仍有部分区县处于“中级协调”以下。因此,未来应推进农业绿色生产与粮食增产协调发展,努力实现减排降碳协同增效推动全面绿色转型,以期为四川省乃至全国农业高质量发展提供路径参考。
关键词:  农业碳排放  效率  粮食安全  耦合协调度  四川省
Yang Qinglin1, Zhao Rongqin1, Zhao Tao2, Hu Yueming3, Zhang Yiping4, Zhu Ruiming5
1.College of Surveying and Geo-informatics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, China;2.Sichuan Land Improvement Center, Chengdu 610045, Sichuan, China;3.College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China;4.Sichuan Hanxia Jindi Science and Technology Research Institute, Chengdu 610074, Sichuan, China;5.The College of Geography and Environmental Science, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, Henan, China
Exploring the law and evolution mechanism of the coupling and coordination between agricultural carbon emission efficiency and food security has important theoretical and practical significance for the choice of the coordinated development path of differentiated agricultural carbon emission efficiency and food security. This paper constructed a theoretical framework of the relationship between agricultural carbon emission efficiency and food security, analyzed the agricultural carbon emission efficiency and its coupling coordination with food security in the main grain producing counties of Sichuan province from 2000 to 2019, and discussed its temporal and spatial characteristics. The main conclusions were listed as follows. (1) The overall growth trend of agricultural carbon emission in the main grain producing areas of Sichuan province was obvious, and the growth rate had decreased in recent years. From the perspective of agricultural carbon emission structure, the production and use of chemical fertilizer was the main factor of carbon emission in the process of grain production. The spatial characteristics of agricultural carbon emissions in the main grain producing counties of Sichuan province generally showed a distribution pattern of low in the southwest and high in the northeast. The agricultural carbon emissions of each county were mainly concentrated in low value areas; (2) The agricultural carbon emission efficiency of the main grain producing counties in Sichuan province was generally at a high level, with a fluctuating upward trend. The carbon emission efficiency of the main grain producing counties was significantly different, and the agricultural carbon emission efficiency of most districts and counties had been greatly improved. (3) From 2000 to 2019, the food security of major grain-producing counties in Sichuan province was generally at a safe level, and the overall change of food security level of major grain-producing counties was relatively stable. From the perspective of time dimension, the change of food security level was in a state of fluctuation, and from the perspective of spatial change dimension, the food security level of major grain producing counties had experienced a "decline-rise" process. (4) The coupling coordination degree of agricultural carbon emission efficiency and food security in the main grain producing counties of Sichuan province was developing in the direction of "high-quality coordination". The coupling coordination degree of agricultural carbon emission efficiency and food security in all districts and counties basically showed a distribution trend of increasing from North to South with Chengdu plain as the center. In summary, although most districts and counties in Sichuan province show high-quality coordination between agricultural carbon emission efficiency and food security, some districts and counties are below "intermediate coordination". Therefore, in the future, we should continue to promote "double reduction and efficiency increase", promote the coordinated development of agricultural green production and grain increase, strive to realize the synergy of emission reduction and carbon reduction, and promote the comprehensive green transformation, so as to provide path reference for the high-quality green development of agriculture in Sichuan province and even the whole country.
Key words:  agricultural carbon emissions  efficiency  food security  coupling coordination  Sichuan province
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
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