摘要: |
目的 促进茶农积极采纳商品有机肥,对于减少农业面源污染、改良土壤质量、提升农产品品质具有重大意义。方法 文章首先依据茶农商品有机肥采纳的动态决策过程将其划分为采纳意愿、采纳行为、采纳程度3个阶段,而后基于重点茶区797份农户数据建立Triple-Hurdle模型,实证分析数字素养对茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳的影响及感知价值的中介效应。结果 (1)茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳呈现出“双高一低”特征,即采纳意愿与采纳行为较高,采纳程度偏低;(2)数字素养对茶农商品有机肥采纳意愿、采纳程度均有显著正向影响,对采纳行为的影响不显著;(3)异质性分析发现,数字素养对无兼业、小规模、高海拔等类型茶农的多阶段商品有机肥采纳具有更强促进作用;(4)中介效应检验结果表明,不同类型感知价值在数字素养对茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳中发挥差异化的中介效应,其中,感知经济价值在数字素养与茶农商品有机肥采纳意愿和采纳程度之间发挥部分中介效应,感知生态价值在数字素养与茶农商品有机肥采纳程度之间发挥部分中介效应,感知社会价值的中介效应未通过检验。结论 政府应加强乡村数字技能培训,全面提升茶农数字素养;基于数字素养对不同类型茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳的作用制定针对性激励措施,持续强化数字素养对茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳的激励作用;政府应强化对茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳的价值引导,夯实数字素养通过感知价值促进茶农多阶段商品有机肥采纳的激励作用。 |
关键词: 数字素养 茶农商品有机肥采纳 多阶段动态采纳 感知价值 Triple-Hurdle模型 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20241003 |
分类号:F323.5 |
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学项目“高标准农田工程设施管护模式、绩效评价与政策优化路径研究”(22YJC790057);自治区青年托举人才项目“高标准农田工程设施管护模式的机制运行与效果研究”(23DLQTZS002);宁夏大学研究生创新项目(030700002409) |
Ma Ronghui, Li Lipeng
College of Economics and Management, Ningxia University, Yinchuan750021, Ningxia, China
Abstract: |
Promoting the active use of commercial organic fertilizers by tea farmers is crucial in reducing agricultural non-point source pollution, improving soil quality, and enhancing the quality of agricultural products. To better understand the decision-making process of tea farmers in adopting commercial organic fertilizers, we divided them into three stages: willingness to adopt, adoption behavior, and degree of adoption. Using data from 797 farmers in key tea districts, we developed a Triple-Hurdle model to examine the influence of digital literacy on tea farmers' multi-stage adoption of commercial organic fertilizers, as well as the mediating effect of perceived value. The results revealed that: (1) Tea farmers' adoption of commercial organic fertilizers in multiple stages had the characteristics of "double high and one low", meaning a high willingness and behavior to adopt, but a low degree of adoption; (2) Digital literacy had a significant positive impact on tea farmers' willingness and degree of adoption of commercial organic fertilizers, but had no significant effect on their adoption behavior; (3) Heterogeneity analysis showed that digital literacy had a stronger facilitating effect on the adoption of multi-stage commercial organic fertilizers for certain types of tea farmers, such as those who havd no part-time jobs, had small-scale farms, and were located in high-altitude areas. (4) The results of the mediation effect test showed that different types of perceived value in digital literacy had a differentiated effect on the adoption of multi-stage commodity organic fertilizer by tea farmers. The perceived economic value of digital literacy had a partial mediation effect on the willingness and degree of adoption of commodity organic fertilizer by tea farmers. Similarly, the perceived economic value of tea farmers had a partial mediation effect on their willingness and degree of adoption of commodity organic fertilizer. The perceived ecological value also had a partial mediation effect on the degree of adoption of commodity organic fertilizer by tea farmers, while the mediating effect of perceived social value did not pass the test. Therefore, the government should provide rural digital literacy training to improve tea farmers' digital literacy, offer targeted incentives based on the role of digital literacy in different types of tea farmers' adoption of multi-stage commercial organic fertilizer, and strengthen the value guidance to promote adoption through perceived value. Additionally, the government should consolidate the incentives of digital literacy to further promote the adoption of multi-stage commercial organic fertilizer by tea farmers. |
Key words: digital literacy commercial organic fertilizer of tea farmers multi-stage dynamic adoption perceived value Triple-Hurdle model |