摘要: |
目的 定量分析乡村民宿富民效应,总结乡村民宿富民效应发展问题,寻找乡村民宿高质量发展新思路,有助于乡村振兴战略实施与共同富裕目标实现。方法 文章以北京市平谷区、怀柔区与延庆区的乡村民宿为案例,通过层次分析法构建乡村民宿富民效应评价体系,汇总整理165户调研数据,从中选取具有代表性民宿36户作为典型案例,定量分析乡村民宿富民效应,以富民指数方式展现乡村民宿富民效应发展情况,研判限制乡村民宿富民效应发挥的主要问题,提出乡村民宿富民效应提升路径。结果 乡村民宿业对当地居民的收入产生了正向影响,居民的收入水平和消费水平得到了提升,民宿产业水平积极赋能富民效应发展,带动就业能力强。结论 北京乡村民宿富民效应显著,但也存在一些问题限制富民效应更好发挥,提出从民宿社区联动、深挖文化内涵、特色化发展、多元化经营和提升从业人员素质等方面提升乡村民宿富民效应。 |
关键词: 乡村民宿 富民效应 乡村旅游 农村发展 乡村振兴 共同富裕 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20241020 |
分类号:F326.6 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“冰雪旅游地韧性演化与共同富裕耦合机理及协同优化研究”(42471284);北京市哲学社会科学规划基金一般项目“北京旅游型乡村振兴水平评价与提升研究”(22GLB036);北京第二外国语学院2023年大学生创新创业项目“北京乡村民宿富民效应评价及提升对策”(X202310031057) |
Wu Suchen1, Tang Chengcai1,2, Zhang Xu1, Li Zhuo1, Dong Chenyang1
1.School of Tourism Sciences, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing100024, China;2.Research Center of Beijing Tourism Development, Beijing100024, China
Abstract: |
This research is intended to quantitatively analyze the enrichment effect of rural homestay, analyze the development problems of the enrichment effect of rural homestay, and search for new ideas for the high-quality development of rural homestay, which will help the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the realization of the goal of common prosperity in Beijing. Taking the rural homestays in Pinggu District, Huairou District and Yanqing District of Beijing as cases, we constructed an evaluation system of the enrichment effect of Beijing rural homestays through hierarchical analysis, summarized and collated the data of 165 households, and selected 36 representative homestays as typical cases to quantitatively analyze the enrichment effect of rural homestays, and showed the development of the enrichment effect of rural homestays through the richness index, then explored the main problems limiting the development of enrichment effect of rural homestays, and finally we proposed paths to improve the enrichment effect. The results of the study showed that the homestay industry had a positive impact on the income of residents, the income level and consumption level of residents had been improved, and the homestay industry level positively empowered the development of the enrichment effect, and had a strong ability to drive employment. In summary, Beijing's rural homestay enrichment effect is remarkable, but some problems limit the enrichment effect to play better. So, it is proposed to enhance the rural homestay enrichment effect from the linkage of homestay community, digging deeper into the cultural connotation, specialization development, diversification of operation, and enhancement of practitioners' quality and other aspects. |
Key words: rural homestay enrichment effect rural tourism rural development rural revitalization common prosperity |