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1.重庆师范大学三峡库区地表过程与环境遥感重庆市重点实验室,重庆 401331;2.重庆市三峡库区地表生态过程野外科学观测研究站,重庆 401331
目的 受地形复杂化、耕地细碎化和农业设施薄弱化的影响,加之乡村农业劳动力短缺,丘陵山区传统农业转型走向规模化、集约化、机械化和生态化的现代农业之路相对缓慢且不平衡,更多是依托现代农业示范园区或现代农业产业园,培育新型农业经营主体,因地制宜发展多种形式适度规模经营,提高土地利用集约化程度。方法 文章以重庆市江津区现代农业示范园区所涉7个乡镇为案例区,基于744户新型农业经营主体的微观调研数据,运用投影寻踪模型,从投入—产出—管理—可持续4个维度,考虑产业类型的差异,多视角解析新型主体流转土地利用集约程度。结果 (1)整体上流转土地利用集约度偏低,介于0.807 0~0.883 3,且不同类型经营主体之间存在差异,从大到小依次为家庭农场(0.883 3)、农民合作社(0.845 8)、农业企业(0.818 2)和专业大户(0.807 0)。可见,农民合作社和家庭农场的土地利用集约度发展最好,因此应作为推动山区现代农业发展的重要核心。(2)主体产业二元耦合土地利用集约度表现出相同主体不同产业类型在各维度的土地利用集约度差异显著,均呈现出管理集约度(0.437 7)>可持续集约度(0.413 8)>投入集约度(0.003 7)>产出集约度(0.001 3)。可以看出,新型农业经营主体的土地利用集约取决于经营和管理模式的科学性。(3)产业土地利用集约度介于0.822 8~0.885 6,不同产业土地利用集约度之间存在差异,从大到小依次为蔬菜(0.885 6)、花木(0.880 6)、柑橘(0.863 9)、粮油(0.854 8)、果树(0.831 3)和花椒(0.822 8)。(4)从结果的最佳投影方向大小来看,灌溉指数、粮耕指数和综合机械化率等指标对土地利用集约度的影响较大,劳均产值、多样化指数和路网密度等指标对土地集约度影响较小。结论 丘陵山区受地形因素的影响,灌溉以及农业机械等条件略差,很大程度上限制了山区土地规模化、集约化经营。农民合作社和家庭农场的土地利用集约度发展最好,因此应构建以家庭农场、农民合作社为核心的立体式、复合型现代农业经营体系,有效推动山区土地规模化、集约化和现代化发展。
关键词:  丘陵山区  土地利用集约度  新型农业经营主体  产业类型  投影寻踪模型
Ran Longchi1, Zhang Shichao1,2, Zhang Xuanyun1, Li Danni1, Lu Zhangye1
1.Chongqing Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing of Surface Process and Environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China;2.Field Scientific Observation and Research Station of Surface Ecological Process in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Chongqing 401331, China
Affected by the complexity of the terrain, the fragmentation of cultivated land, the weakness of agricultural facilities, and the shortage of rural agricultural labor force, the transition of traditional agriculture in hilly and mountainous regions to large-scale, intensive, mechanized and ecological modern agriculture is relatively slow and unbalanced. It relies on modern agricultural demonstration parks or modern agricultural industrial parks, fosters new agricultural management bodies, develops various forms of moderate-scale operation according to local conditions, and improves the degree of land use intensification. Based on the micro survey data of 744 new agricultural business entities, this research took the seven townships involved in the modern agricultural demonstration park in Jiangjin district of Chongqing as the case area, and used the projection pursuit model, from the four dimensions of input-output-management-sustainable, to fully consider the differences in industrial types, and analyzed the intensive degree of land use in the new main body from multiple perspectives. The results showed that: (1) The overall degree of intensive utilization of transferred land was on the low side, ranging from 0.8070 to 0.8833, and there were differences between different types of business subjects, from large to small, family farms (0.883 3), farmers' cooperatives (0.845 8), agricultural enterprises (0.818 2 ), and large professional households (0.807 0). It could be seen that farmer cooperatives and family farms had the best development of land use intensification, and therefore they should be the important core for promoting the development of modern agriculture in mountainous areas. (2) The binary coupling land use intensification of the main body industry showed significant differences in the land use intensification of different industry types of the same main body in all dimensions, all showing management intensification (0.4377) > sustainable intensification (0.4138) > input intensification (0.0037) > output intensification (0.0013). It could be seen that the intensive land utilization of new agricultural management subjects depended on the scientific nature of the operation and management mode. (3) The degree of intensive utilization of industrial land rangeed from 0.822 8 to 0.885 6, and there were differences between the degree of intensive utilization of land in different industries, which were vegetables (0.885 6), flowers and trees (0.880 6), oranges (0.863 9), grains and oils (0.854 8), fruit trees (0.8313), and peppercorns (0.822 8), in order from large to small. (4) In terms of influencing factors, indicators such as irrigation index, grain cultivation index, and comprehensive mechanization rate had a greater influence on the degree of intensive land use, while indicators such as average labor output value, diversification index, and road network density had a lesser influence on the degree of land intensification. In summary, due to the influence of topographic factors, the conditions of irrigation and agricultural machinery in hilly and mountainous areas are slightly worse, which greatly limits the large-scale and intensive management of mountain land. And farmers' cooperatives and family farms have the best development of land use intensity. Therefore, a three-dimensional and compound modern agricultural management system with family farms and farmers ' cooperatives as the core should be constructed to effectively promote the large-scale, intensive, and modern development of land in mountainous areas.
Key words:  hilly and mountainous areas  land use intensity  new agricultural business entities  industry type  projection pursuit model
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
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